Monday, December 28, 2009

Plan of Attack

The Line Up
One of the things I did not accomplish on my 2009 goals list was to book a commercial... I came close but no cigar... This means I'm going hard come January 201o. It's times to make bigger more aggressive moves toward what I want. So I have schedule 5 seminars through my job (Actors Connection) to meet and showcase my commercial copy (script) to industry casting directors and agents.

January 5th
Erica Palgon (CD)
Erica Palgon Casting (This is a New Casting Office)
My Theory... she's likely to build her files and be receptive to calling in talent herself since this is a new office... if not she's still a casting director and all casting directors need to know me and my work.

January 6th
Michael Raymen (Agent)
Don Buchwald & Associates.
My Theory... One of the more reputable but still wouldn't say in the Top 5 of the big Commercial Talent Agencies... may top 6. I know two people signed with them that can add as a referral so here's hoping.

January 7th
Marla Haut (Agent)
Innovative Talent
My Theory... I would say Innovative is one of the Top 5 commercial agencies in NYC... so why not see them. :)

January 12th
Rebecca Yarsin (CD)
House Production & Casting
My Theory... If you are in the commercial world you will eventually be called to have auditions at HOUSE. It's filled with casting studios and is a heavy hitting commercial casting spot. You want these people to know you. So of course I'm going to see her and get feedback on what she thinks.

January 20th
Ingrid French (M)
Ingrid French Management
My Theory... I've never been big on having a manger unless you actually have a career to mange. However, I've heard good about Ingrid. I know she is a work-coholic (however you suppose to that) and she has great relationships with industry casting and production people, not to mention she's been in the biz for a min... So regardless of if she wants to work with me or not I curious about her advice and feedback for me.

The Wrap Up
On top of these 5 Seminars... Classes at Esper Studios start back up on January 7th, and I will be looking at taking a 6 to 12 week class at Upright Citizens Brigade or The Pit or The Magnet (all are Improv Joints) towards the beginning of February. So that's this is the starter stages of my January 2010 plan of attack. Lets see what happens. Stay Tuned....

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Countdown

The Story

The story is there is no story for this writing. My mind is just running as the countdown to the return to City begins… 3 days left. The last 10 days I’ve been enjoying the Christmas Holiday with my family and dear friends laughing and partying the nights away. But I woke up today with terrible anxiety about returning to the city. I feel like I have a weight of must do’s on my shoulder and not a clue as to how I’m going accomplish them or where to begin. The last couple of years have brought tons of surprises to my life some beautiful some heartbreaking, so I’m sure some of the anxiety stems from the unknown of what this coming year will bring. I feel like my zest for pounding the pavement has been drained slightly for the moment, definitely not the type of energy I need to take back to NYC with me. Why are there times when I feel invincible, and other times I feel like a scared little baby.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Polite vs. A Point of View

The Story
In class, we have the privilege to be "real" (whatever that means to you anymore). We have the right to express our truths as we feel them without being "polite" or politically correct. As I stated before in other entries of my tendencies to "sugar coat" and steer away from conflict and potential uncomfortable moments... in class, however we learn to attack them head on with truth no matter how sweet or sour it may be. It's so interesting to see how many of us, myself included still struggle with this. There was a scene where a girl was crying her eyes out (which appeared to be for show) and instead of saying what he wanted to do which was say "Your tears are pointless to me... or Your crying is driving me insane!!!!" he did the "polite thing" and held her dismissing himself, and his point of view from the scene. He missed out on his moment to come alive, as the teacher stated.

When we see someone not follow the unspoken rules of "politeness ruling over point of view" we can sometimes be angered or taken back. I was on the subway heading to class during morning rush hour train traffic. Steps away from my stop at 42nd street... the subway train stop due to maintenance problems. We were stuck for a good 45 minutes. There was a man about mid 30's who was clearly livid by this but was trying to keep his cool. After asking a lady to move her purse so he could sit down, a young child started crying at the other end of the train. It took less then 2 minitues for this man to get up (with a sigh) save his sit with his coat and march all the way down to the end of the train to "put a stop" to this crying. This whole situation was fueled with points of view. As he took two steps toward the child everyone around reacted with such disgust looking down as he walked toward the child. Some even sighing and asking what nerve. I sat there a little annoyed myself at the man. I thought he was out of place, but at the same time intrigue by his behavior. The crying was annoying everyone I assume, but we did the what's "polite"... we ignore it. With all the huffing and puffing my side of the train did it was interesting that after another minute past the child stopped crying. I peeked down at the train with the man on his knees playing with the kid and making conversation with the guardian. I felt mixed feelings about the whole ordeal. He seemed to care about this kid, because he didn't return to his seat even after the crying had stopped. Moments later the train started, I was at my stop, the man came to get his coat and it appeared to be his stop to... I couldnt help myself I had to ask him something, anything I just really wanted to connect with him for a second plus my curiosity was at a all time high ... I tapped him on his shoulder like I was 4 years old, and I apologized for the intrusion, but I said I had to know... "what do you do in life?"... He said "I am an Actor."

The Bigger Picture
My Acting Classes have me looking at the world differently. I have become more intrigue by my world I live in. The people around me. Moments in life. I read much more about history especially the 60s and 70s when I felt like people voiced their opinions without fear... or maybe they had fear but they voiced it all the same. I can't help but think how many times people have spoken to me with politeness vs telling me what they wanted to say, and vice versa. Now I don't think people should go around being rude at all. And I still think the way you say things can have a polite ring to them (lol), but to take yourself... your voice... your point of view out of the equation because it might come off ass rude or not be the "polite thing" or PC thing is not the way to go.

Lesson Learned
I was given a voice. I plan to use it, without apologies.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Great Expectation

The Story
Now I've never read the book or saw the movie for that matter (maybe I will now) but as I was in class last week, I started to wonder at what point in my life, did I start to expect "things." In acting we are working on an exercise where you are not to except anything from your scene partner. This way, you have to live moment to moment and ideally, take everything in and have a point of view about it. I often get in my head wanting to plot out the way the scene goes... (have control) more so do it perfectly. I get in my head a lot, the ideal of perfection... I don't understand how I can mentally understand what to do, but not do it? This part of life frustrates me!

The Bigger Picture
I tend to think of myself as being pretty carefree, go with the flow, turn lemons into lemonade type of gal. I've come to realize however, that recently I've been unhappy with certain aspects in my life and/or have been disappointed a lot lately, and I've come to the conclusion I have high expectations. I expect things from people, from places, from situations... I realized I expect a lot and in return I get disappointed... a lot. Don't get me wrong, I believe there are certain places/situations in this world I should expect a certain level of quality or behavior, but I've gone to far. My "great" expectations in life made me take things for granted or dismiss experiences because they have not lived up to my expectations. I wonder how much of life have I missed out on because I was expecting A and got B, only to live out the next moments of my life with disappoint, hurt, frustration, resentful, stressed out! verses just accepting and experiencing "B" as is, who knows what could've came out of that?

The Lesson
As 2009 is coming to an end, I hope to truly take life as it comes with a childlike curiosity. I'll always have my standards of life, but my goal is not to expect other people and situation to have to meet up to my standards.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fantasy vs. Reality...

The Story
Getting up and getting to work on this Saturday morning was tough!!! And I didn't even hang out last night! In my fantasy life, I am an early bird who wakes up around 6am to tea and the paper (backstage) while munching on some healthy fruit. Then hit the gym and start my day at the "office of acting" and then head to class or work.

My reality is that I hit the snooze at 7:00 til 7:30 (sometimes 8:30) then jump up (get mad at myself for hitting the snooze) then turn on some "hype... please wake me up music" shower, throw on clothes, make up and grab my shit, hail a cab, stop at Starbucks grab my Venti or Grande Chi tea latte and head to work or class depending on the day... praying I don't get called first in class or that it's not a busy day at the job. Lol, quite different from my Fantasy world I'd say.

I've always been a day dreamer. Since I was a little girl. Which isn't a bad thing... it's just.. I took it too far at times. (lol, smh) I would literally have more fun living in my head because my "fantasy life was just soooooo Amazing" (sidebar... I used to do this with "dates" and wonder why they never met up to my "expectations" lol, they were fabulous in my day dreams) But as I grew up a little. I realized that this was not the way to go... my "real world" was indeed so much better because it was real. However knowing the difference, and having appreciation for both worlds, especially as an actress is key. I can't help but want to turn some of my fantasy's into reality, like being a morning person!

The Bigger Picture
This morning got me thinking about how at many times we see ourselves through our own Fantasy goggles. Trust me I know what I want my life to look like (I have vision boards galore to prove it). I also know what type of woman I'm striving to become, and more so, I know how much work I still need to do to get there. What I often see in the city, is people, especially actors, living their life through their fantasy goggles and not taking the time out to see what's real,or better put not realizing when the goggles are on, myself included.

Numerous times I've plotted my map to success through my goggles of who I thought I was or who I want to be based on who I am in my fantasy, and wondered why I'm not able to follow through on certain plans. I've let people down from time to time by committing to things I thought I could do because I had my goggles on so-to-speak. I've been let down by people who portrayed themselves to be someone they wished they were only to find out they are not "there" yet. At times I get frustrated with myself that I'm not where I want to be and ask why my life is not how I picture it yet, why I'm not able to be the perfect city girl I "see" myself as in my fantasy. I realize this all has to do with not accepting the present moment and comparing myself to a fictitious version of myself which, as I write it is quite absurd. I like having the vision of who I want to be, so I know what I'm striving for, however I think the more I take off my goggles, and accept who I am right now and interact with the world as so, I will gain a deeper appreciation for the "real" world, and myself as I live through each present moment and I'd be able to enjoy the process of growing into that woman I see myself to be.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Kicked Ass

The Story
I brought my A-Game to the networking meet up event with Ashley Marshall, from Beth Melsky Casting. I got rave reviews! I'm going to need to learn not to get so hype when I hear good feedback. I held it together well in the room... but when I got out... "I did a little dance." And then proceeded to hit my hand on the clipboard that the monitor was holding and now there is a bruise and a cut on my hand OUCH! ... yep I'm clumsy when I get excited. I gotta learn to be more like my pop's who is just so cool and calm and just kinda has that "I'm a smooth dude" grin when he kicks ass at something." Wish I could've seen him play ball. Well regardless, the input gave me more motivation to go harder at this "game." 2010... I'm ready!

Helpful Info From the Event
If you've never been to Beth Melsky's Office here are just somethings that might help you. They are very organized. Beth (the owner) literally hand picks everyone who comes into her office. Ashley says Beth is amazing at what she does and does not forget anyone.

At their office you will always be given an appointment time, and you need to be there "on time" which means 10 mins early. Other casting offices typically give you a time range that you can go... well not at Melsky's.

She also mentioned as site to put your basic casting info up I think they use this instead of taking polaroids and cards that your fill out your basic contact info from. I'll have to look into it more because it new to me.

Links of your reels or maybe a clip on your emails. Ashley talked about when emailing agents and managers have a link to your work on your emails. She has a friend at Paradigm (One of the top commercial agents in NYC) who says "she'll take 10sec to click and see what an actor has going on"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda! Damn it.

The Story
Here's the scoop, hopefully you can learn from my mistakes. I Didn't quite live up to my potential in the audition today. Yep, today was my BEBE audition. I hate when I know what I should be doing and I don't do it! AGH! knew I needed to regroup before I actually auditioned. I just got off the subway, the wind blew all through my hair and I needed to thaw out! So I already knew after signing in and getting the scripts I was heading to the ladies room to pull my look together. All of this is fine except there weren't that many actors there yet so they were going fast. So even though while in the bathroom I read the scripts out loud (which is also a must, I think) hear your voice, my main focus was to pull my look together. I did do my vocal warmups prior to leaving my apartment, but being out in the cold for traveling time can stricken your whole body fast so taking some time to loosen everything is a good idea. My main mistake was signing in before I'd loosened up. I'd just returned from the bathroom ready to pay full attention on my script. Well just as I sat down the casting director said MIMI JONES, and looked at me. She saw I just got back and asked did I need a minute. In the past, I would've said no, I'm ready. However, I'd learned it's completely fine to say you need a minute. So I was trying to pull it together, but then got in my head that I was taking to long and got up with all that rushed energy. UGH! I can see myself now! CAN'T I HAVE A DO OVER!!!! Now let me just say, I didn't suck lol, I did have a good vocal quality, good connection, (my look was nice... smh/lol), but I stumbled over some words and my handling of the script was not the greatest.

The Bigger Picture
This got me thinking about how people sabotage their success. Instead of going with what our instincts/guts tell us, we play out our choices based on what we perceive others need and want. (Okay maybe you don't, but I am definitely guilty of this). My reality is, I will never know what another person is thinking, so it's quite silly of me to change what I know is true for myself based on a perception. I do this again, not just in my acting career, but also in life. I think it stems from growing up being taught to be a nice and helpful. I always felt the best when I helped others... so somewhere along the line I guess I could say I have "people pleasing" tendencies. But the older I get I understand that sacrificing my own needs to please others in not what's up. What can I say, it's a work in progress.

You live and you learn. I know what I need to do for next time, instead of doing what I think the casting director wants, do what I need to do for me to bring the best to the table.

The Networking Game
Tomorrow, I get to put today's lesson in use when I meet with Ashley Marshall, casting director at BETH MELSKY CASTING. If you didn't already know. BETH MELSKY CASTING, is definitely a commercial casting joint you want to know. They (especially Beth) are known for no nonsense, come with your A- game. So tomorrow I'm planting my seed so to speak.

Tips and Things I've heard that Work
1) I've heard that calling an "audition" something other then an "audition" tricks the brain so nervous energy doesn't mount up.

2) When going to an audition, don't think of it as you are auditioning for "that" role, think of it as you are planting a seed for future rolls. You are Building a relationship with that casting office so they know your work.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I had a taste of artistic freedom in Movement Class

The Story
I didn't know what to expect out of movement class. Initially I thought it was more of a "dance" get in shape type of class. However it's proving to be much more then this. We do a lot of contact work with each other in the class which is very intimate and was awkward at first... actually still is at times. We move into different positions which surprisingly can make you burst out in random tears, or give you a boost of energy, and at times can do nothing. Apparently our bodies hang on to different emotions from the past and just by a shift or a stretch we can release them. Movement classes help you open yourself and become aware of how your body processes life so to speak. This particular class was very moving because as a whole we were much more connected with each other. We all felt very free and open for the most part.

The Bigger Picture
It got me thinking how in everyday life we walk around so disconnected from each other and ourselves. We block so much of life out because our focus is on the future, the past, our "things to do list" and like 100 other reason. We are literally are breathing the same air, walking on the same street as millions, and there is no sense of connectedness. Not saying I want to walk around taking in every ones' energy and hug em' lol (Folks are crazy). However to be able to be free enough to open myself to others, to let someone in and allow myself to be effected by them; to be able to show my insecurities, my dark side within, my failures, my victories, my happiness, my love... to do this is a goal I strive for, not just in my acting but within all of my relationships that I value.

"Another Box Marked Off"

I created a tangible 5 year plan about a month before moving back to NYC primarily because I was scared shitless that the city would kick my ass back to Kalamazoo for the 3rd time and I wanted something I could literally hold that would make me feel like this time was different. I use it now more so as a guide, and will look at it maybe once every two months now. And sure enough I wrote to freelance with a commercial agent. The other day I was contacted by Avalon Artist Group and they are now going to be sending me out on commercial auditions! I have one next week yay! Fingers crossed. Now I need to send out updated post cards to all the CD's I've worked with the news!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Could I pass for Caribbean, Hmmmm?

Lol, well I'm going in regardless. Today's a day of Print Go-Sees (there looking for caribbean type look- my agents are sending me, so I'm going!) I also have to do some mailings to the agents and casting directors I met last week (Mailings are thank you notes, or postcards with your updates). I have a "how to apply makeup for the camera class" I'm going to later tonight. Yep I have no clue. I was a tom boy growing up for the most part (Yessir a basketball beast on the courts), and just rely on the skills of my beautiful friends to do my makeup :) I'll probably catch up on some needed reading and possibly take my ass to the gym or a dance class.

I want to make a quick note about how artist are often seen by Corporate America, as "kids who refuse to grow up," and irresponsible. However I've learn that as an artist in pursuit, especially early in our careers, we need to be almost more of an adult then those who have a 9-5. There are days where you don't have to do anything. No one is checking to see if you "clocked in." It's all on you to organize your day and make the choices to network your ass off, or work on your monologues, cold reading skills, research new projects in works, summit yourself for indie flicks and student works. So on days like today when it is so easy to stay snuggle in my comfy bed and day dream what my life will be like when I'm super successful (yep I've done that a time or two... just wasting my day) I have to stay on my grind and "go to work." So to the office I go.