I went to a seminar with Michael Guy from Atlas Talent. Now let me just say I love him, whether he his going to give me a call or not, he loves what he does and knows the biz like the back of his hand. His insight on commercial trends was like a light bulb clicking on (which after he said it, it was like Duh, and I felt a little stupid for not picking up on it on my own) but anyways, what he said was, whatever the hit shows are at the time, the commercial world is going to try and capture the same type characters. For example, closer to the time that Sex and the City II comes out we will see more 4 girl group commercials etc. BUT, what stuck out the most was when Michael talked about the times when actors book commercial work... it's when they come in without that extra "layer." They just come to do their work and leave to carry on with life outside the audition. They didn't come to book the job. They didn't come to showcase that they are "the one's" Or prove they can "Act" or even come to do it "perfect". Just simply come in pick up the copy, make your choices, do the audition and continue on with their days.
He said that, often times this is when they've had one of those "can't get right days" or that this is their 30th audition without booking anything and they don't have the extra energy to give anymore then what is needed... those are the typical type of actors who book the job. Commercials have forever (I think) changed from the old school "sales pitch" dialogue, to wanting "Real people/ real life" But, often times when actors go in for a commercial audition, we put on the layer of falseness to be what we think we need to be. We want to come off as shinny and perfect without any flaws. We don't realize that we are putting too much energy into being this "perfect" sales person that we are covering our own imperfections, which is what makes people unique and which is what books the job. This got me to thinking about the layers we pile on in everyday life... Sometimes we do "way to much."
Personal Experience
Personal Experience
About a year ago, I went to my first commercial audition. I auditioned for a Papa Johns Commercial... and it was random how I got the audition. I work at a networking company where a Casting Director has an office within our building. I fit the type and while I was working he said come to the audition. I was just excited to get an audition and I didn't go in expecting anything just went is as me and what do you know I got a callback...
And of course, it was during the callback audition, I expected something. I went in not to do the job, but to book it. I went in already fantasizing me on the red Carpet (LOL, yes a callback for Papa Johns and I'm already writing my Oscar speech SMH- my imagination can runaway with it's self from time to time) but, yes, this is what was in my head when I went to the callback audition. I had this ultra ego superstar mind set and when I tell you I did way too much, I did way to much. Of course I didn't book it.
The Bigger Picture
The layers we put on to build ourselves up to what we think we need to be or even what we want to be, can actually take away from who we really are. And it's who we really are that is the most appealing in life.
And of course, it was during the callback audition, I expected something. I went in not to do the job, but to book it. I went in already fantasizing me on the red Carpet (LOL, yes a callback for Papa Johns and I'm already writing my Oscar speech SMH- my imagination can runaway with it's self from time to time) but, yes, this is what was in my head when I went to the callback audition. I had this ultra ego superstar mind set and when I tell you I did way too much, I did way to much. Of course I didn't book it.
The Bigger Picture
The layers we put on to build ourselves up to what we think we need to be or even what we want to be, can actually take away from who we really are. And it's who we really are that is the most appealing in life.