Well even though it was actually rainy and there was no sight of sun here in the city, today I feel much better, bright and cheery again. No tears Yay! Right after I touched down I headed straight to class. (Everyone loved the new hair do btw). And right on time, a new level of work was introduced. Just what my "instrument" needed. Basically we spent the first half of school doing repetition work which helped me to be to see and feel the "subtext" of my scene partners behavior more clearly, and be able to react honestly, as well as trusting my impulses more. Repetition work also can show that its not the words that are so important, it's getting to the root of what caused the words to come out. Also it helps you get out of your head. This new level of working has taken the repetition away and you are free to say what you want as long as its a truthful reaction to what your partner's subtext has done to you. So here's a break down of my work today, and my thoughts on it...
We had a lot of good "moments" but at one point my scene partner and I were beginning to yell at each other and "explain" verses living through each moment. We were pushing, probably because of the awkward silence that occurs when you aren't forced to consistently repeat each other. So I know I am going to need to become more comfortable "feeling" and living through each moment freely vs. controlling it with witty banter, or quick mental comebacks which doesn't allow my scene partners behavior or "subtext" to really hit me and effect me. It's a control thing, that blocks me from being vulnerable. Well here's to level two and learning to become more vulnerable... why do I have a feeling the tears will return HA. The actor in training's life. SMH can we say roller coaster.
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