Wether you make New Years Resolutions or not, the start of a New Year tends to be a good time to take inventory of your wants, goals and accomplishments... A BIG want for myself, (besides the obvious of career goals and of course falling in love getting married having adorable little babies HA!) is to not be such an Ignorant Person!!!! I don't know if I've touched on my many areas of ignorance as an adult yet, but this is that time to put them out there in hopes to hold myself accountable in gaining knowledge this year. The three main areas, and the mini stories that go with them... As well as how they tie into my acting career.
1) Politics
When Obama was elected, that was my first time actually voting in a presidential race (I know SMH- so disappointing seeing that I'm 28 and not 18). What's even worse, I didn't exactly know why I was voting for him other then for superficial reason and going along with what more educated people in my life believed (which isn't a bad idea...) But it still bugged the hell out of me that I didn't know what each candidate's policies were or what they saw for the future. After the victory, I did read one of his books and felt better about my voting decision. However after I read the book my other areas of life took over and my wants of becoming political aware fell to the wayside. Today, I still have no clue as to what is going on in the world of politics (or the world for that matter), other then the school systems are losing money, more and more people are out of jobs and there are many debates over Health Care. I know in this day and age information is a click away, so there really are no excuses for me not to be informed.
My Goal for Politics: Read the paper daily, and check out the BBC news stories at least 5 days week.
How it effects ACTING: Because of the economy, Guest Star/ and Co-Star Roles that are typically filled with no named actors are being given to A and B list actors. More and More Commercials are becoming non- union. Daytime and Prime-time series are keeping actors at a "recurring" status vs Contract role status in order to pay them less. More and more shows are filming in Out of the United States and shows are being cancelled.
2) Finances
Why oh why did I not major in business!!! I was a communication Major at college, Minor in Theatre. At one point I wanted to be a speech writer. Looking back now, I wish I would have majored in business and minored in Finance because no matter what you do when you get out of school, Business is involved. And money makes the world go round so having a solid knowledge of it wouldn't have been a bad idea for me. My ignorance with money is that I don't know what I should know (Oh that sounds bad). Words like CD's and High yield Savings and investments strategies, and stock, or what's my net worth? WHAT??? HUH?? I don't get it? all of that reads like german to me. Luckily for me, my parents were pretty firm when I went to college not to get a credit card, so the one thing I "think" I have going for me is a decent credit score.
My Goal for Finances: I heard that the book Young, Fabulous and Broke is a good start...
How it effects Acting: You are your business, and think of it like you are getting a Doctorates, IT's EXPENSIVE!
3) Medical Insurance (UGH)
When it comes to medical insurance, my ignorance, is at an all time high. I don't often talk about my health... nor do I plan to now other then saying point blank, I need health insurance. I've been blessed to be covered on a Cobra plan via my Dad for the last 3 years, but as of January 1st that expired. My "day job" doesn't offer it. As far as Acting, I haven't become a part of SAG(Screen Actors Guild) yet, let alone reached the # of required work days on SAG projects that would make me eligible for their insurance policies. I went to apply for an individual plan at Blue Cross/Blue Shield and what they offer is pathetic. They allow 2 doctor "office" visits a year and after that you come out of pocket. Prescription coverage only up to $2000 dollars??? Some of my Meds alone cost up to $5000 dollars. As for Medicaid... I have to make less then 700 dollars a month before taxes to be consider... WTF!
I had to take a deep breath, I don't want to pass all my negative energy to others.
Thankfully, I have very educated and supportive parents when it comes to health insurance, so I know I will be okay, but what about all of my fellow aspiring actors and low income friends that jobs don't offer medical insurance and may not have supportive parents as I do? What do they do? or What can they do? I know this ties back to becoming political aware of what's going on with Health Care Policies.
My Goals for Medical Insurance: Read more about the current Health Care Plans that are out there for all levels of income.
How it effects Actors: Have you heard the saying "starving artist" Most beginner Actors have to find "gig" type jobs to get by, which don't offer Medical Insurance Plans. Actors must maintain a healthy lifestyle because we are the product. If we are working a low budget or student film and get hurt or sick, we are faced with do I spend money on a Doctors Bill or do I pay rent? Definitely not fare! but as my Dad loves to point out... who ever said life was. Still be aware as an Actor going the extra mile to say healthy is a smart move!
The Bigger Picture
Ignorance is Bliss, but Knowledge is Power... so true. Would I rather be living in a Fantasy world of bliss, or would I rather have power to make a difference in my world. Not saying one is better then the other, there are day's I definitely want my fantasy world... but more often I want the real. I want to matter or be of relevance in this world as a friend tends to say and strive for. To do that, I need to aware, I need knowledge in many different areas of life. These are my top three for this year. Lets see what I can learn...
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