Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Time is Money...

The Story
When I think of having a day off, I think about a guiltless day of lounging in pj's, catching up on the show's I've DVR'd, stuffing my face with goodies (I know, I know... no goodies for 40). Or I think about meeting friends for lunch and taking in a show or wandering around the City like I'm a tourist and see where the day takes me... but this is not what "day's off" look like anymore. "Day's Off" are filled with pedestrian life "to-do's." Laundry, Appointments, Cleaning, Grocery Shopping etc. Or in my case... running to the paint shop to get free packing boxes, start packing up for my move, making needed phone calls, last minute casting (which is why I didn't get to the laundry) and then to a networking seminar with Ingrid French (Manager) in hopes to get representation. As I left the meeting at 9:00pm exhausted from running around all day and thinking about the number of things I still need to do on my next "day off" I got to thinking about my time management skills and whether I am using my time wisely... As I've noted in other writings, my schedule is pretty packed, but is it really that packed where I can't squeeze in a load here in there or make a call during my break vs. playing on Facebook or gossiping?... Am I just making excuses for not doing (what I call) pedestrian "chores"? I think this is the case. So to add to my list of things to change to be a better person... Time management goes on that list.

Another goal
I've talked to friends about how time seems to fly by the older we get... we also compare each others want's and to-do list and when you throw time (or the lack of) into that equation, stressful thoughts seem to come to mind. Where do the hours in a day go (I also find myself asking the same question about the dollar$ in my bank account... but that's another blog) back to the time element... In New York City, a lot of time is dedicated to traveling... plus working and eating, and then the rest of life happens between and during those hours..So if I can some how plot out my days to multi-task and prioritize my day by fitting in a "chore" here and there... then maybe, just maybe my next "day off" will actually be a "day off"... I'll keep you posted.

Bigger Picture
Its easy to measure where your money goes... but your time on the other hand can sometimes slip away from you without a blink of an eye. If the saying time is money is correct, then knowing how you spend your time is as important as how you spend you money... my advice, take inventory of your day and see if you are taking mini "day's off" everyday...

1 comment:

  1. Time is money!!! I have the same issue girl. I need to work on a better schedule but I found that the 2010 scheduler that I bought is really helping. I have been sticking to my script and following through! We will get it together soon;-) xoxo
